What to do on a Rainy Day in Playa Del Carmen
19.12.2014 - 20.12.2014 72 °F
Last night we experienced a big thunderstorm with lightning, and loud bangs and crashes.
When it rains near the ocean, it pours. Fortunately, an average temperature of 26 celcius on the Yucatan peninsula, makes getting caught in a thunderstorm more like taking a shower - I wish I had such pressure in my bathroom at home. Some people on the street are hiding under hotel umbrellas and others are purchasing garbage bags from enterprising young Mayans (I'm talking 6 yr olds). Still more are simply getting soaked to the skin and walking to where they are going with their clothes sticking to them.
But there is a point where you can get waterlogged and need to find some rainy day activities.
- Sitting in a bar and drinking
- Staying inside and watching spanish tv - some channels will have english tv with spanish subtitles
- Going on a timeshare tour involving free meals and high pressure sales tactics
- The movies: Cinemex is located in the Centro Maya Shopping Centre with prices for admission set at ~40 pesos with cheap day being Wednesday for 30 pesos. Cinepolis is located in Plaza Las Americas and offers information about whether the movie is in Spanish or Subtitled in spanish.
- Wednesdays and Sundays you can find stand-up comedy about Lucky Lucianos on the corner of Calle 28 and Fifth Ave. It is 'adult' rated.
- Planet Bowl is open from 10 am to midnite, located in the Centro Maya Shopping Centre.
Posted by travelDIAS 12:15 Archived in Mexico Tagged rain del weather playa carmen indoor activity thundershower inclement
Thanks for the blog update - sounds like you are having a good time - Love Dad
have a great day
by Bill